Monday, February 18, 2008

One problem can lead to another…

What is one thing that every American wants to own? A home. But there are many problems that are not allowing some Americans to own their own home. According to the Associated Press there is a handful of states that are that are working on ways to get many investment banks and big lenders caught for more than just bad business decisions and bad mortgage troubles. With these bad judgments from these mortgage companies they can be the ones that are causing the problems in the economy right now. I think that there are many companies that need to change their way so that they can stop causing the poor market now.
In the article they are looking for ways to change the way that many cities and states pursuit bad lenders. The lenders have written $625 billion in subprime mortgages in the 2005, this is a big problem because most of that money will never come back because the people that received the money cannot pay the money back but they were approved for it. I am just hoping that this does not make the economy problem even worse. I am hoping that the right people will fix this problem and the economy will become better.
I got the information from this article from the Associated Press title “Wall Street faces fury over subprime” from

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