With the
Presidential Election coming up many candidates have different views on the issues of spending and taxes. Taxes are very important in the United States because that is were the Government gets it money to play back our debts and other bills. The cutting of all taxes is not the answer, even though people would like that to happen.
Here are some stands that the candidates have taken on taxes.
Clinton purposes to raise the income taxes and keep estate taxes on the wealthy and a higher tax break for those going to college.
Edwards purposes to raise the income taxes and there personal gain tax on the wealthy. He also wants to give a $25 billion a year tax cut to the non-wealthy.
Obama purposes to raise the income, personal gain, and the dividends taxes on the wealthy. He also wants to raise the corporate taxes and will have a $80 billion tax break for mainly the poor and elderly.
Giuliani purposes to cut corporate taxes and to stop estate tax. He also wants to add a permanent child tax credit.
Huckabee purposes to replace income and investment taxes by have the national sales tax be 23%. With some help for the poor.
McCain purposes that the Bush tax cuts should be made permanent.
Romney purposes to stop dividend, capital gain, and interest taxes. Also wants to give tax breaks for those earning less than $200,000.
Thompson purpose to let the people choose.
The information about the candidates came for the Associated Press written by Calvin Woodward called "Presidential Candidates on the Issues".